Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Project Update

Linda recently emailed me with the following information that I wanted to share with all of you. The need is increasing and more people are being helped. Read Linda's words:
"I just thought I'd let you all know that we are expanding rapidly and are so excited that the Lord is providing. We committed a month ago to provide kits to the refugees in the Salt Lake Valley. 1,100 refugees are admitted into Utah each year. They get help from the government for two years and then they are pretty much on their own except for medicaid and Food Stamps. These are families from refugee camps from war-torn countries around the world, many from South Africa who are in abject poverty. They have asked for a minimum of 100 (preferably 150) kits per month in addition to the five shelters we are now serving. We will be giving them 150 kits the first of November.
Within a few hours after I committed to provide kits for them, the Wells Stake were we serve our mission contacted me and told me that they have chosen our project for the "Day of Service". They are involving the whole community within the stake boundaries including businesses, other churches and schools.
Last summer when we moved into Destinations, Kip Lambert told me that we had another offer for space downtown from his bishop who saw our project. I asked him to check and see if it might still be available. After inquiry, I met with Bishop Creed Anderson. He has donated a beautiful space to us at 2200 South State, right around the corner from our mission. We even have an elevator so the elderly sisters on our mission can serve there with worrying about stairs. One company is donating 12 large shelve units and 12 large tables. Rubbermaid Corporation is donating 50 to 100 storage bins along with other corporations and benefactors who want to remain anonymous. Reagan Outdoor Advertising is making signs for us at both locations. Joanne's, Michael's, and Roberts are donating large amounts for the event and Dove is donating a large amount of supplies that day also. There is absolutely no way we could stock a second location without a lot of inventory and the Lord is providing. We are temporarily using that location for storage, but are waiting for another missionary couple to be called who I ca train to take over the 2200 South State location and make the kits for the refugees out of there. Then we could continue to make the kits for the five shelters at Destinations.
I just wanted to thank you for all the support you have given in the past and invite you to share this news with others. I am still speaking in wards and stakes, sorority groups, etc. for their participation and am receiving it. We will need all the help from the community we can. I have brochures and DVDs I can give if you need them to spread the word.
I feel so grateful to be part of this and witness the growth that has taken place. It's amazing to me that this project started in one of our little widow's apartments and has expanded to this level. It's a very humbling experience.
Thanks for all your support.

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